An active international policy

In 2010, the ICT chose to make internationalisation a core part of its strategy. With the help of our partners (FIUC, FUCE), we have been able to conclude numerous Erasmus+ agreements and exchange programmes outside Europe.

Students, teachers and staff can draw on a network of 114 Erasmus+-chartered partners and 74 cooperation agreements. Chartership of Erasmus+ since 2008, we are aware that international mobility is an asset for the institution and contributes to the attractiveness and visibility of the ICT.

The ICT’s ambition is to involve all of the institution’s stakeholders in internationalisation, and to work in liaison with regional (CROUS, Occitanie Regional Council, etc.) and national stakeholders (Ministry of Higher Education and Research, Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, Campus France, AUF, etc.).

International strategy: our action plan

The International Relations Department’s 2020-2025 action plan, defined as part of the ICT’s international strategy, is based on a number of themes areas :

  • Targeting international partnerships, with a particular focus on French-speaking projects (Lebanon, Belgium, etc.)

  • Applying for European projects thanks to the new Erasmus 2021-27 charter obtained at the end of December 2020, with a score of 100/100.

  • Join the process of dematerialisation of the Erasmus+ Programme (EWP – Erasmus without paper)

  • Promote the Erasmus+ programme through student and staff mobility

  • Increasing the number of specialised courses in English for our students and for incoming Erasmus+ students

  • Implementing a foreign language policy (compulsory certifications, Cambridge examination centre, language courses linked to our partners, such as Japanese and Chinese, widely encouraged French as a Foreign Language policy (the IULCF – Institut de Langue et Culture Françaises – has the France Education International label and is a TCF examination centre).

  • Providing the best possible welcome for international students and teachers, and responding to a Quality approach (satisfaction questionnaires are given at the end of mobility)

  • Promote interculturality within student life, the International Relations Department and the IULCF, by organising events that bring people together.

International Networks

The ICT is an active participant in numerous national and international networks specialising in higher education and its promotion abroad, enabling our institution to promote its courses and working environment and to participate in international events.

Logo Erasmus+ France

The Erasmus+ France / Education and Training Agency is responsible for promoting, implementing, managing and developing the Erasmus+ programme un France.

Read more about the Erasmus+ France/ Education and Training on their website : Homepage | Agence ERASMUS+ France / Éducation Formation (

Logo campus France

Campus France is the French Agency for the promotion of higher education,international student services, and international mobility.

Read more about Campus France on their website : Étudiant | Campus France Studying in France

Logo AUF

The AUF – Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie is the world’s leading university network, with more than 1,000 universities and scientific research centres in nearly 120 countries.

Created in 1961, the AUF is also the operator for higher education and research of the Charter and the Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Francophonie.

Today, the AUF is an organisation that helps development through knowledge. Its main mission is to think globally about the scientific Francophonie and to act regionally while respecting diversity.

Read more about the AUF on their website : Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (

FIUC : International Federation of Catholic Universities.

Read more about the FIUC on their website : – ( 

FUCE : the European Federation of Catholic Universities (EFCU)

The European Federation of Catholic Universities (EFCU) was created in 1991 with the conviction of being able to offer anew contribution to the network of Catholic universities, building on the positive path of European integration, now close to the achievement of the European Union.

EAIE : European Association for International education

For over three decades, the EAIE has been supporting higher education professionals in the internationalisation of their institutions.

Read more about the EAIE on their website : European Association for International Education | EAIE Homepage

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